Thoughts on identity.

Identity. Identities. Changing, evolving, a collection of ideas and experiences that we carry around individually and collectively. When discussing identity especially in online spaces we talk about “baggage” and use it like a dirty word. Identity is baggage. The who I am, the why I am, the where I’ve been and where I want to go that we say with our clothing, our music, our vehicles and our hairstyles. The untucked shirt, the midriff top, the three piece suit, the statement heels, the team shirt, and the ankle-length coat in summer that all say whose opinions we care about.

Identity is overlooked, overused, abused and overflowing, with statements, with colour, and with tones. Signalling, shouting and serenading, you, me, them, us, the story of our culture, of our inspirations, our aspirations and our determination to broadcast it to others. Declaring to the world that we are part of a group and inviting others to join us, to reach out, to start a dialogue and connect. Because deep down we all need to belong to something. Something larger than ourselves that reminds us we are not alone. That we’re all in this together.

About Dave

Writer/Director/Editor of films. Television producer. Singer. Observer of society.
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